Terms and Conditions of Vietnam Airlines - Run for Love 2024
23/07/2024 - 15:48


  • OC: Organizing Committee
  • Runner: participating runners 
  • COT (Cut-off time): The time limit to complete a distance of the race.
  • BIB: The number of a participating runner.
  • N/A: Not Applicable


1.1. Race Date: October 12th, 2024
1.2. Venue:

Start/Finish line: Ly Tu Trong Park, Tay Ho, Hanoi

1.3. Race Distances:

  • • Half Marathon, HM, 21 KM
  • • 10 km
  • • 5 km

1.4. Time regulations





HM 21 km


3,5 h


10 km


2 h


5 km


1,5 h


1.6. COT Regulation

All runners must complete the course within the specified COT.

Runners who do not finish each segment within the COT will be marked as DNF (Did Not Finish). They will be stamped with DNF on their BIB, and which will be temporarily collected and returned after the race at the referee's counter. These runners will be required to leave the race course and will not receive the race completion medal.

The OC will close the track after the COT for each segment.

All OC services, including but not limited to hydration, medical support, pacers, photography, will conclude after the COT for each segment.

1.6. Runner's performance:

Runner's performance is calculated for all participants as the time calculated by electronic clocks (real time) from the time the participant crosses the starting line until the participant crosses the finishing line. Race participants must wear a timing chip - a timing chip assigned to each runner - fixed to the BIB number, from the starting line to the finishing line to calculate the performance. The time will be rounded to the next time unit in seconds.

1.7. Start

Runners need to register their best performance; based on that, the OC will arrange the starting order appropriately, in accordance with the practice of international races. Those who do not register their performance will be placed in the last run. Runners are required to start running at their designated area. Runners must enter their starting line from the entrances as directed. Those who do not comply with the start arrangement will be disqualified from the competition.

1.8. Finish

The positions of the first ranks in each competition (excluding age group competitions) are the actual ranks of the competitors touching the cross-section of the finish line (the results will not be counted as the basis for ranking in these first positions).

1.9.  Right to change the route

The OC has the right to change the route if necessary. Any changes to the route (if any) will be notified promptly to the runners and whom it may concern.



2.1. Runners who are Vietnamese citizens and foreigners who fully meet the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and are not subject to any disciplinary action or ban from competition by a federation, national or international association or management agency are allowed to compete. participate in the Marathon.
2.2. Runners participating in the 21 km distance must be 16 years old or older. Younger runners must have a responsible guardian and sign a "liability waiver" record.


3.1. Prizes in cash or in kind and/or other services

The first runner to finish the 21 km, 10 km and 5 km distances will receive trophies and prizes in cash or in kind and/or other services (if any). Cash prizes will be subject to a 10% personal income tax deduction according to tax law in Vietnam. Prizes in kind or cards/vouchers for goods and/or services with cash equivalent value will not be converted into cash.

3.2. Detailed list of awards

The detailed list of awards is announced on the award website.

3.3. In case of violation of regulations

The OC has the right to cancel the performance of any winning runner if it is discovered that they violate the rules of the marathon.

3.4. Concerns about the prize

All questions and complaints about the prize should be sent to the OC within 24 hours after the prize announcement. Questions about competition performance should be sent to the OC within 24 hours after the end of the Marathon. In cases of later complaints, the OC reserves the right to review and consider the severity of the violation to make an appropriate decision.

3.5. Time limit for receiving rewards

The time limit for receiving the prize is only valid for 1 month from the date the organizers announced the prize. After this deadline, the organizers have the right to refuse to award prizes.

3.6. Awards

The OC will award prizes immediately after determining the rankings of the top runners in each competition content. In case of suspicion of fraud, the OC reserves the right not to announce the winner list until the exact winner list is determined.

The method of registering for the Award System has been officially announced in the Award System Registration Guideline along with notes on Club declaration and cases of fraud in declaration.


For the 21 km, 10 km and 5 km events, the OC provides electronic chips to calculate achievements. runners are responsible for preserving their own chips to receive recognition for their achievements. The OC is not responsible in cases where the runner's performance cannot be accurately calculated due to damage to the chip after being transferred to the runner or the runner's representative.



5.1. Runners residing outside Vietnam must register online on the race's website. In the event of technical difficulties or technical errors during direct registration, the race's OC will provide alternative registration and payment methods.
5.2. Runners who register twice for the same Standard Chartered Hanoi Marathon – Heritage Race using false information, such as using a fake name, providing false birthdate or gender, or using a fake photo, will be considered ineligible for participation.
5.3. Registered runners will receive a Race Kit that includes a BIB number, an electronic timing chip, a singlet, a bag, and instructional materials.
5.4. Age of registration

  •      5.4.1. 5km and 10km : no age restrictions.
  •      5.4.2. 21 km HM: runners must be 16 years old or older (born in 2008 or earlier);
  •      Runners are solely legally responsible for having enough rights, including but not limited to having parental permission, to register to participate in accordance with the regulations of the OC and fulfill related requirements. related to other registrations such as using a credit or debit card to pay the registration fee. In case the race participant is under the prescribed age, the guardian/legal guardian must sign a guarantee form and take full responsibility for the safety and risks that may occur to the insured person. receive.

5.5. In cases where an individual acts as a representative and/or is delegated to register and/or collect a Race Kit on behalf of another individual or group, that person must commit to having been authorized to represent the interests of the individual or group in the registration and Race Kit collection process. Registering through a representative or a delegate will still be subject to all the regulations of this statute as if registered directly.
5.6. After a runner has submitted his registration and paid the registration fee, the OC will not refund the registration fee in any case. Participants are not allowed to change personal information after registering and completing payment, except in the case of transferring the right to participate to a third party according to the OC's regulations on time limit and transfer fees.
5.7. Changing the running distance is accepted when the request is made before the deadline specified in Article 1.1. Runners must pay the difference if the new distance has a higher registration fee than the original distance. If the new distance has a lower registration fee, no refund will be issued.
5.8. In case a runner overpays the registration fee, the OC will refund the overpaid fee to the runner via the online payment system.
5.9. The OC is not responsible for delays in cases where applications are not processed due to Internet connection errors and/or errors of third parties who are the organizations making payments. The registration is only considered valid until the payment appears on the OC’s account.
5.10. The provisions in Article 5.9 also apply to OC’s discount and promotional programs.
5.11. The time limit for editing personal information (such as ID number, gender, date of birth, email...), if there is any mistake, will be supported by the OC until the registration closing date.
5.12. When the registration expires from time to time, transactions in the "Pending  Payment" status will be automatically canceled


6.1.  Commit to complying with all legal regulations

Runners commit to complying with all legal regulations of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

6.2. Comply with sports competition regulations

Runners must comply with sports competition regulations and are prohibited from using performance-enhancing substances. The OC has the right to request runners to provide urine samples for doping testing if there are suspicions of doping use. Runners are required to provide urine samples upon the request of the OC.

6.3. Commit to being physically fit

When participating in the race, runners commit to being physically fit for the registered distance and adhering to the time required by the OC to complete the race. Runners commit to understanding their own health limitations and recognizing when they need to stop physical activities to avoid injury.

6.4. In cases of unable to complete the race

In cases where a runner is unable to complete the race within the specified time limit as per section 4.2, the OC has the right to request the runner to stop running, and the runner will not be compensated, including any financial compensation or other compensation for this request.

6.5. Understand the risks associated with marathon

Runners understand the risks associated with marathon running and the race course, including, but not limited to, tripping, colliding with other runners on the course, the effects of weather, traffic, and road conditions. These risks may result in minor injuries, severe injuries, or even death. Runners are responsible for their own safety and health throughout the race course and commit to absolving the OC of liability.

6.6. Purchase public liability insurance and personal accident insurance

The OC will purchase public liability insurance and personal accident insurance for runners participating in the race. Therefore, to ensure their own interests, runners need to provide accurate and complete personal information (date of birth, ID card number/citizen identification card) as registered with the OC. If the information provided by runners is incomplete or inaccurate, the OC and the insurance company will deny responsibility for any accidents that may occur.

6.7. Responsible for thoroughly researching the race route

Runners are responsible for thoroughly researching the race route before the official race day and take full responsibility for any deviation from the course that may lead to an incomplete race or an unrecognized achievement.

6.8. BIB number

  •       6.8.1. The name on the BIB must be exactly the same as the name on the runner's Citizen Identification Card, Identity Card or Passport when registering.
  •       6.8.2. Runners must wear their BIB number (issued before the race day) throughout the competition. The BIB number must be attached to the runner's chest and must be worn at all times throughout the race. Any exchange, sale, gift, or transfer of numbers to others without the written approval of the OC is considered a violation of the race's rules. The OC has the right to stop the competition and not recognize the results for all cases of wearing BIB numbers that do not match the OC's registration list.
  •       6.8.3. In case the OC detects a runner competing with another runner's BIB, the runner and the owner of that BIB will have their results canceled and lose the right to participate in the tournament in the following year.

6.9. Personal Property

Runners should leave their personal property in their bags marked with their BIB numbers and should not leave valuable items (such as cash, jewelry, expensive belongings, etc.) in their bags, pouches, or luggage stored at the bag drop area provided by the OC.

6.10. The OC is not responsible for any losses due to the following reasons:

  • • Illness or injury (including emergency treatment).
  • • Loss or damage to personal property.
  • • Being late due to public transportation difficulties and/or traffic conditions.

6.11. Medical Regulations

The OC provides first-aid services or professional medical care for all injuries, illnesses, or accidents as necessary and may transfer patients to the nearest hospital.
Runners who are admitted to a hospital are responsible for paying all costs associated with medical care and treatment at the medical facility.


The OC has the right to prohibit runners from participating in the race and/or continuing to run when they discover violations of the regulations and rules specified below. Runners who violate these rules will be disqualified.
7.1. Runners must not use any wheeled means of transportation while running on the course (e.g., skateboards, strollers, wheeled shoes, bicycles, motorbikes…).
7.2. Runners must not use any food or drugs listed in the prohibited substances by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Runners must refrain from using stimulants, narcotics, or substances that enhance excitement while competing.
7.3. Runners are not allowed to receive any assistance other than the assistance designated by the OC (e.g., water, nutrition, pacesetters...).
7.4. Runners must strictly adhere to the course prescribed by the OC. Runners who leave the course without permission from the race referee will be considered to have committed a foul and will be disqualified. Runners who shorten the course (“cut corners”) for any reason will be disqualified. Short corners may be detected by the referee or by surveillance and video equipment. The final decision will be at the discretion of the OC. 
7.5. Runners must run through the start mat, the track inspection mats and the finish mat. Runners who are not signaled by all electronic chip mats will be considered to have failed to complete the course and will not be recognized for their performance.
7.6. Runners are prohibited from engaging in behaviors or making statements that are harassing, incite crowds, cause disturbances, or damage the race.
7.7. Runners are not allowed to bring inappropriate objects, equipment, weapons, sharp objects that may cause harm or harm others.
7.8. Runners are not allowed to bring documents, leaflets with content outside the program, content opposing the laws of the State and the people of Vietnam, content contrary to the policies of the Party and the State, and content inconsistent with the cultural customs of Vietnam.
7.9. Runners are not allowed to wear clothing with images that are offensive, not in line with the traditions and customs of Vietnam, images that are opposing the laws of the State and the people of Vietnam, images that are contrary to the policies of the Party and the State, or covering their faces entirely or going shirtless.
7.10. Runners must not violate the current traffic laws within the race area. Runners who violate this rule will be fully responsible under the laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and will have to compensate for any damage caused to the OC (if any).
7.11. Foreign runners are responsible for declaring and ensuring a clear purpose of entry into Vietnam when applying for visas and completing entry procedures into Vietnam. Runners are also responsible for informing the OC of their temporary residence address in Hanoi during the race.
7.12. Runners are not allowed to engage in activities that delay or affect the race, such as jumping, changing clothes, playing musical instruments, fundraising, soliciting autographs, etc. Runners must not obstruct the race by not following the instructions of the OC. Runners are not allowed to use improper restroom facilities.


8.1. After completing the registration and payment of participation fees, runners cannot request refunds for any reason. 
8.2. In any case of race cancellation or postponement, registration fees will not be refunded to registered runners.
8.3. In adverse weather conditions or due to force majeure beyond the control of the OC, the OC will inform runners of the reasons and the time of the force majeure event before the race day. The OC may postpone the event and is responsible for notifying runners of the rescheduled event time.


9.1. By registering, paying the entry fee and checking the box agreeing to the Marathon's Terms and Conditions, the runner has agreed to the Personal Data Protection Policy of the OC published on the website. 

9.2. The copyrights to any articles, records, images, videos, and data related to the race, as well as the right to use this information on the official website, social media pages, and media outlets for marketing and promotion, belong to the OC.
9.3. This includes but is not limited to names and information such as age, addresses (hometown, province, city) of runners mentioned in articles related to the event.


All matters related to rules and competition ethics will be governed by the regulations of the event and the current athletics laws of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

Refer to the website: http://aims-worldrunning.org.


11.1. To ensure the safety of the event, these regulations apply to the entire event for all runners. Those who do not comply with these regulations will be considered ineligible to participate in the event.
11.2. In the event of any questions, disputes, or complaints regarding issues such as eligibility to participate, runners results, race results, awards, etc., the concerned party should submit a written complaint to the OC based on these regulations, and the final decision will be at the discretion of the OC.
11.3. The OC reserves the right to change terms and participation regulations in case of emergencies without prior notice.


Jul.12.2023 - 11:07
Jul.12.2023 - 11:08
Jul.12.2023 - 11:04